Wednesday, November 26, 2014

twenty percent of the truth is enough to make you cry don't rush to show your teeth too quick

couldn't decide between sleeping or having my supper earlier on which is why i'am here blogging at such early hour. didn't had a proper meal since yesterday because i was so mad i literally starved myself. ok it's stupid to torture myself i know. another reason i was too lazy to pack my own food moreover macdonald's never a choice to me, not at any moment. so sick of fast food already~ so somebody got up early, went to get granny's and my breakfast before heading off. was craving for mee soto ever since i got a taste of how delicious it is but unfortunately it was too early the soup wasn't ready yet. hurhurhur~  

oh yes! almost forgotten, was supposed to meet up with cindy on friday to attend jingjing's wedding dinner but fuck, i expected myself to be skipping it already because i haven't even catch a single wink till noon that day.. facing screwed body clock problem once again. spent the whole week at home only for granny so there's actually nothing to blog about just repeating the routines every single day yup. 

i find it funny as fuck how people try and tell you how you should live YOUR life. like bitch stay in my shadows thank you lol :')

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